Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey & Vegetarians

True confession: While I tell folks that I'm a vegetarian, I'm not hardcore. Thanksgiving is 2 days away. I'm driving home to Kansas City to see family and friends. And, I'll admit: I can't wait to eat turkey, the real deal, on Thanksgiving. So sue me. I'm not a "true" vegetarian. I eat lots of veggies, I do eat fish and never said otherwise, and I even cook with soy products to make chili and burgers and other "staples" around my house.

That being said, there's just something about Thanksgiving. It's always been my fave holiday. No gift shopping, no endless hours of Christmas music on the radio (yet). Just having a wonderful, aroma-filled, memories-igniting feast with the ones you love. Oh, did I mention pumpkin pie?

This year, in the company of mom, aunt, cousins, new baby, and friends, I will joyfully express my gratitude for:
1. My wonderful family
2. My steadfast friends
3. My job
4. My health
5. My country, with all its quirks and, thank God, its freedom

Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Your Top 5: Road Trip Foods

What is it about road trips that make me want to gorge on junk food? Like, the calories don't count if you're driving more than 100 miles that day (my own rule). All I know is that every time I throw my gear in the Subaru and head home to Kansas City from Champaign, Illinois, my tastebuds regress to the days my mom packed my lunchbox for school. In other words, junk food (sorry, Mom, but peanut butter and Fluff sandwiches on Wonder Bread? What were you thinking?)

So, just for kicks, here's my Top 5 list of Road Trip Foods:
1. French Fries (easy to eat while driving)
2. Dairy Queen Vanilla Cone dipped in Chocolate (not easy to eat while driving, but who cares if you get chocolate on your road trip duds?)
3. McDonald's egg & cheese biscuit.
4. Hostess Cupcakes (chocolate with vanilla cream filling)
5. Veggie Chips from Whole Foods (sorta healthy, I think)

Your turn.